Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'll trade you one loud bird for two assassin insects

Well, that's not to say that I don't miss Giovanni from time to time. He was very cute and loving, in a needy bird way.

Now I am quite happy (having given up on a stubborn fish tank too) with two insects as pets. Granted one ate the other and I had to find a substitute, but now the three of us are hap hap happy in our Weaverville Apt. Suki, the mantis just laid her first egg sack, but due to the unfortunate lack of males in her pad the tiny ones will not hatch. She is now on a downhill path to certain death in about 4 months. The wheel bug also laid an egg sack that will not hatch (thank goodness). I would not want 150 wheel bug babies in my house.

Suki needs to clean her room because one can barely make it from side to side without walking into wings, legs and fur from her various insect meals. (yes I said fur). What else do you call the stuff on hairy sphinx moths? The poor cage-raised crickets keep tripping on las night's dinner. I imagine it's something like wandering around in a cage full of human bones. You know there's something there that has been dining on animals just like yourself, and it's only a matter of time before .... well, I won't say.

I'm just thankful to have some company around here on a daily basis. The wheel bug does not appreciate my teasing finger shadows on his glass cage walls. He keeps trying to catch them. It is quite a sight to see the front legs and long probiscus of a wheel bug flare up in front of you. But that's about the only "playing" I get to do with that one.

Suki is interesting to watch because whenever I look into her cage she swing her head around to look at me, which seems to say "how dare you!" She's either very private, or quite the snob.

Anyway, that's my version of pets in a pet free apartment complex. They can't be furry, so I got the ones that are poisonous and eat other insects.

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