Monday, December 31, 2007

There's nothing like a beautiful sunset ...

... that can lift my spirits, keep me mindful in the present, and remind me to see uncertainty as endless possibilities.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Good news! The New York Times has taken notice of Etsy and all it has to offer (the good handmade stuff and the junk). Read the article linked above if you are interested.

Etsy is so big now it includes handmade items, supplies and vintage stuff. There are a lot of Etsyians (including myself) who are not so thrilled about the inclusion of vintage stuff.

The site is for HANDMADE art! I buy from Etsy often and find great buys and some $400 dream items. The point is, buy handmade! Support Etsy and Etsyians!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"On the way to work" series

Take a look at the pictures I've taken on the way to work. Go vote for your favorites. I'm picturing a huge montage of these photos within one frame. Here's my favorite.

When viewing these on flickr; LP = Lamp post. I hit a light on the way into town and this lamp post serves for good compositions. Also the BBs are the brave birds. At the same stop light there's a few wire lines that the birds love to perch on. Even now in December there are a few brave birds that watch the sun rise in frigid weather.

I love the sky views and clouds in Asheville. When I visit flatter cities closer to sea level I feel trapped and miss the sky.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Photo Series

One of the greatest perks of living in a high altitude is the view. Everywhere I drive I have fantastic views. Whenever I go somewhere low and flat driving around is unexciting and only about where I'm getting to. Here it can be about the drive itself. I even have mountain views from the parking lot of the grocery store!

So I've begun to snap pictures from the car on my way to places I go to often, and from my kitchen window, and intend to make a series of photographs that can represent a year long stint living in the clouds.

Sounds lovely doesn't it? I should work promoting tourism...

Here's one from my kitchen window

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Busy September

Thanks to BF for support, time given and encouragement:

Trying to juggle a full time job, 2 graduate classes and a budding business is not easy! I used to read a lot and now I just don't have the time. I have been on chapter 2 of "The Fountainhead" for over a month now.

I just wanted to take some time to thank my wonderful boyfriend Fred, for helping me make my dreams come true. His endless energy, selfless character, and devoted support keep my spirits high. Without him I would feel overwhelmed. His positive nature helps me stay positive during this time of my life where it seems I never stop!

The universe loves me and I love it back!

Recently Fred urged me to talk to galleries about hosting my work. I made two appointments in Asheville. One at the Woolworth Gallery and one at Pura Vida on Biltmore Ave. Both were impressed with my work and I already gave some to Pura Vida. This is very exciting for me, and Fred helped give me the confidence to go for it! The Woolworth gallery said they would call me sooner than later, so I will let the world know here when that time comes.

This is a picture of him (blurry) at Doc Chey's restaurant in Asheville. The restaurant is right next to Pura Vida. If you're ever in Asheville, come check out my stuff!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Blogger Bloggie Blog

Well fellow jewelers and jewelry buyers, here i am to promote my shop.

Over the Summer I had a lot of time to make jewelry and I went crazy! i made almost 100 pieces in a month! I went to 3 bead shows to buy beads and also regularly bought beads off of Etsy also happens to be the place I sell my jewelry. It is a GREAT website for those who love handmade items. And always remember - when you buy from the artist himself/herself, you are giving all your money to the artist. When you buy from a gallery, you give half the money to the artist and half to the gallery (on average). Yes galleries are pretty and we want them to stay around... but.

Please check out my shop! Even though I work full time as an EC teacher assistant and am enrolled in graduate school, I still post new creations every few days. Lately I've been on a beaded ring craze. I have two I'll be adding soon. I am eager to do custom work and will work with you closely to make sure you get exactly what you want.

gritgoods on etsy