Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's been a while ...

So, at least I know there's one person out there that notices when I don't post for a while :)

The random danger bug became the focal point of my Summer. When I wasn't dusting shelves at the Gallery of the Mountains or visiting my friend in Woodfin, I diligently searched for meals for my new pet wheel bug. He is quite well, and for those who do not look at my flickr page often, I have a plethora of photos of the wheel bug enjoying his meals.

I caught him as an adolescent and he has since molted once. I came home to find him 85 % outside of his old skin, and bright orange. I spoke with him about the inappropriateness of his little naked pink butt after I shot some nudes of him.

The other highlight of my Summer was taking a trip to Tampa. It was too short, and involved too much travel time, but seeing as how I took it with my favorite man, it was all worth it.

The highlights were 1. sitting in a cabana near the pool, drinking pina coladas, and watching the olympics on the private T.V. 2. Taking first class flights from ATL to Charlotte. We drank Jack and Cokes in the 15 minutes it took for the plane to fill up, ate milano cookies instead of "gourmet pretzels", and the flight attendant was very entertaining. Over the radio he said his name was Shaggy and that the other assistants were Velma and Daphne. He also said that in the event of an emergency we should put our own oxygen masks on before assisting a child, another customer, or a customer acting like a child. Lastly he made us laugh when he pointed out that "there may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there only 7 exits on the plane." That experience (and sitting next to my honey on the plane (the whole reason we upgraded to first class)) really made up for the time it took to get to and from ATL. 3. Driving around in a lipstick red mustang with a cup holder that lights up in different colors. 4. The food. We ate at two fantastic restaurants. Bern's Steak House is the reason we went to Tampa, and we also ate at Snapper's ( I think), which had awesome crab legs, and a tuna appetizer.

More about Bern's in another blog ... this is already getting lengthy :)

1 comment:

The Converse Family said...

Ah, thanks for the new entry. Looks and sounds like you had a great time.

gritgoods on etsy